Your JobFlo account enables you to create a customized email to be automatically sent to your applicants. You can use this email to inform your applicant about the next steps in the process or give information about your company and the specific job.

1. Click Your Account in the upper right corner. On the Account Users screen, click the Manage Autoresponse Templates link under the Company Account Settings section.

2. Click the Create New Template button or the Edit link on an existing template.

3. Fill the form fields as appropriate.

  • Template Name: is required. This is the name that will display when you are choosing a template to use for a Smart Email. This is not seen by applicants.
  • Description: is not required. This is a descriptive phrase to help you understand what this email is used for. This is not seen by applicants.
  • Subject: is required. This is seen by applicants as the subject line of the email.
  • Message: is required. This is seen by applicants as the body of the email.

4. The following tokens can be used to substitute variables into the Subject or Message of your email.

** Cannot be used in Autoresponse Templates

TokenVariable information
!positionJob Title
!position_titleJob Title (same as above)
!position_codeJob Label (not visible to applicants)
!myfirstnameAccount owner first name
!mylastnameAccount owner last name
!myphoneAccount owner phone
!myemailAccount owner email
!sender_firstname** First name of person currently logged in
!sender_lastname** Last name of person currently logged in
!sender_phone** Phone of person currently logged in
!sender_email** Email of person currently logged in
!companyCompany name
!company_nameCompany name (same as above)
!company_logoCompany logo
!candidate_firstnameFirst name of candidate
!firstnameFirst name of candidate (as above)
!candidate_lastnameLast name of candidate
!lastnameLast name of candidate (as above)
!emailEmail of candidate
!shared_linkLink back to current job listing
!shared_readonly_linkLink to "display only" version of job listing (No Apply button). Link will still display even if job Closed or Expired (unlike !shared_link)
!reference_urlLink for candidate to request references
!app_videoLink for candidate to take video interview
!app_idCandidate's id number in JobFlo database

5. Click the green Save Template button to save your new Smart Email template.

6. You can associate a specific Autoresponse Email with a specific job posting by clicking the Edit link net to that job on your Dashboard.

  • Click the orange Next button upper right to go to the 2nd page of the Create/Edit position process.
  • Select the specific template from the Autoresponse Template drop-down, then click the orange Next button upper right to save the change.
  • You can see detailed instruction about creating/editing a job posting in the Create a Job Posting article.

Scroll down to see the steps above illustrated with screen shots...

1. Click Your Account in the upper right corner. On the Account Users screen, click the Manage Autoresponse Templates link under the Company Account Settings section.

2. Click the Create New Template button or the Edit link on an existing template.

3. Fill the form fields as appropriate.

  • Template Name: is required. This is the name that will display when you are choosing a template to use for a Smart Email. This is not seen by applicants.
  • Description: is not required. This is a descriptive phrase to help you understand what this email is used for. This is not seen by applicants.
  • Subject: is required. This is seen by applicants as the subject line of the email.
  • Message: is required. This is seen by applicants as the body of the email.

4. The following tokens can be used to substitute variables into the Subject or Message of your email.

TokenVariable information
!positionJob Title
!position_titleJob Title (same as above)
!position_codeJob Label (not visible to applicants)
!myfirstnameAccount owner first name
!mylastnameAccount owner last name
!myphoneAccount owner phone
!myemailAccount owner email
!sender_firstnameFirst name of person currently logged in
!sender_lastnameLast name of person currently logged in
!sender_phonePhone of person currently logged in
!sender_emailEmail of person currently logged in
!companyCompany name
!company_nameCompany name (same as above)
!company_logoCompany logo
!candidate_firstnameFirst name of candidate
!firstnameFirst name of candidate (as above)
!candidate_lastnameLast name of candidate
!lastnameLast name of candidate (as above)
!emailEmail of candidate
!reference_urlLink for candidate to request references
!app_videoLink for candidate to take video interview
!app_idCandidate's id number in JobFlo database

5. Click the green Save Template button to save your new Smart Email template. You can instead Cancel to not save the template or not save changes.

6. You can associate a specific Autoresponse Email with a specific job posting by clicking the Edit link next to that job on your Dashboard.

  • Click the orange Next button upper right to go to the 2nd page of the Create/Edit position process.
  • Select the specific template from the Autoresponse Template drop-down, then click the orange Next button upper right to save the change.
  • You can see detailed instruction about creating/editing a job posting in the Create a Job Posting article.