For the most part, job boards support HTML tags and links in job postings. This allows you to format a professional looking job posting using the JobFlo posting widget. But increasingly, job boards are disallowing HTML tags for security or other reasons. For example, Craigslist does not allow HTML tags and links in free job postings, but does allow them in paid job postings.
What can you do if you run into a job board that does not allow HTML? JobFlo provides a way to copy a text-only version of your job posting that can be used on job boards that do not allow HTML. You create a professional looking job posting with full HTML, but then you have the option of either using that HTML version or a stripped down text-only version - all with a single click!
1. Assuming you have already created your job posting, you can go directly to the Job Posting page
- Click the Job Posting tab on the ribbon at the top.
- Scroll down to find an existing label corresponding to the job board to which you are posting, or create a new label/unique URL.
2. Grab a copy of this job posting with the unique URL embedded
- If the job board allows HTML, grab a copy by clicking the pages icon in the Copy HTML Job Post column.
If the job board does NOT allow HTML, grab a copy by clicking the pages icon in the Copy Text Job Post column.
- If posting to Craigslist, grab the HTML copy for paid job ads or grab the Text copy for free ads. You can find a list of locations where Craigslist charges for job ads here.
3. Paste the copied job posting into the Job Description field of the job board
- Now go to your favorite job board and when you're asked to enter the job post you can paste the job post by hitting Ctrl-v (Cmd-v on Macs).
Scroll down to see the steps above illustrated with screen shots...
1. Assuming you have already created your job posting, you can go directly to the Job Posting page
- Click the Job Posting tab on the ribbon at the top.
- Scroll down to find an existing label corresponding to the job board to which you are posting, or create a new label/unique URL.
2. Grab a copy of this job posting with the unique URL embedded
- If the job board allows HTML, grab a copy by clicking the pages icon in the Copy HTML Job Post column.
If the job board does NOT allow HTML, grab a copy by clicking the pages icon in the Copy Text Job Post column.
- If posting to Craigslist, grab the HTML copy for paid job ads or
grab the Text copy for free ads. You can find a list of locations where
Craigslist charges for job ads here.
3. Paste the copied job posting into the Job Description field of the job board
- Now go to your favorite job board and when you're asked to enter the job post you can paste the job post by hitting Ctrl-v (Cmd-v on Macs).
Scroll down to see an example of a job posting in both HTML and Text formats...
- Company logo
- Bold category headers
- Bulleted lists
- Italics for emphasis
- Horizontal dividing lines between major categories
- Clickable link to apply
- Big green Apply Now button (clickable)
2. Text-only
- No company logo
- No bold except the job title (controlled by Craigslist)
- Asterisks substituted for bullets
- No italics
- Dashes substituted for horizontal dividing lines
- Have to copy and paste link to apply
- No Apply Now button