Resume Search in JobFlo isn't working right now. How can I find an applicant profile in JobFlo so I can add labels and notes and send emails?
There are a couple other JobFlo features that can help you locate an applicant: Activity Feed and Project Data Export.
- Activity Feed will help you find very recent applicants (previous 12-24 hours).
- Project Data Export will help you find older applicants.
To use Activity Feed, click the link on the blue ribbon at the top and type the name in the Search Activity Feed... field.
To search the Project Data Export, you first need to download a current copy of the file: (We recommend you do this first thing in the morning. It will take about 60 seconds, but then you will be ready for the day ahead.)
- Click the Analytics link on the blue ribbon at the top.
- Click the Project Date Export tab.
- Make sure All Projects is selected.
- Make sure a start date is selected before your first applicant came into JobFlo. For most people, you can simply change the year to 2016.
- Click the green Export Applicant Data button.
This will download a table of all your applicants. You can search the Name or Email columns to find applicants.
Then what? I found the applicant in the exported sheet, but how do I locate that applicant in JobFlo?
Look in the left column (Candidate_ID) of the line the applicant is on and copy out the number, in this case 1408612.
Now type that number into the address bar in your JobFlo account by substituting it in the link below:<candidate_id>
So, in this example, the link would read and that link would take you right to the applicant's profile.
One other option is to substitute in the Candidate_ID in the address bar of a different applicant.
This will jump you from the current candidate to the new candidate you were searching for.