Most companies want all their jobs automatically shared for free on job boards. JobFlo allows you to Enable/Disable Free Job Boards from the Your Account screen. Enabled or disabled status applies to all Active jobs on the account.

But sometimes there is a single job you do not want shared. To exempt a job from automatic distribution don't include a ZIP in the first screen of the position setup process. Job boards require a ZIP Code in order to accept and index your job. If you don't enter a ZIP, your job will not be accepted by job boards, but will still display in the JobFlo Hosting Widget on your Careers page.

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Most companies want all their jobs automatically shared for free on job boards. JobFlo allows you to Enable/Disable Free Job Boards from the Your Account screen.

Enabled or disabled applies to all Active jobs on the account.

But sometimes there is a single job you do not want shared. There is a workaround that allows you to exempt a job from automatic distribution: don't include a ZIP in the first screen of the position setup process.

Job boards require a ZIP Code in order to accept and index your job. If you don't enter a ZIP, your job will not be accepted by job boards, but will still display in the JobFlo Hosting Widget on your Careers page.