Note: The Multi-User feature is only available to JobFlo Business Edition clients.

The JobFlo Team Collaboration feature allows you to involve employees from functional areas like Accounting or Engineering in the recruiting of new employees for those functional areas.

Let's take the example of a Software Engineering job posting. Software Engineering jobs have technical requirements well outside the scope of understanding of non-technical people. Although the HR Department will do the administrative work of posting the job, arranging interviews and eventually onboarding candidates, the actual expertise on a candidate's suitability for the job is within the Software Engineering group. The Team Collaboration feature allows members of the Software Engineering team to view the resume, references, video interview and contact history of a candidate and comment on that candidate within JobFlo. All comments can then be viewed by all team members and a consensus reached - all without meeting in real time.

You can create teams for different functional areas. These teams will be associated with job postings related to the functional area. The functional teams bring the domain knowledge while the HR Department brings overall recruiting process expertise and structure. This collaboration through JobFlo will enable your company to compress the recruiting cycle and make better hires.

First you will need to add the users to your JobFlo account.

1. Click Your Account in the upper right corner, then Manage Users and Teams in the Enterprise Settings section.

2. On the Manage Users and Teams screen, click the green Add a new user button.

3. On the Add User screen, fill the form and click the green Send Invitation Email button.

  • Select Admin if this user is to have full access to all features.
  • Select Recruiter if the user will have ownership of one or more projects.
  • Select Team Lead if the user will have the ability to set flag/star rating, mark Qualified/Unqualified or add/remove Labels.
  • Select Team Member if the user will only have access to view and comment on applicants.
  • Select External Recruiter if the user will mostly be importing external candidates.

4. The invited user will get an email with a link to a form to complete registration.

5. Back at your Manage Users screen, you are able to see users on the account, the number of active projects, add or remove Admin permissions or delete the user.


Next you can associate users with recruiting projects.

6. Click the Teams tab under Manage Users and Teams.

7. Click the green Create Team button.

8. On the Create Team screen you name the team, then match up the projects and team members.

9. Click the green Save Team button.

10. Projects and team members can be quickly added or subtracted later by clicking the blue Edit link next to the team name on the Manage Users and Teams screen.

Scroll down to see the steps above illustrated with screen shots...

1. Click Your Account in the upper right corner, then Manage Users and Teams in the Enterprise Settings section.

2. On the Manage Users and Teams screen, click the green Add a new user button.

3. On the Add User screen, fill the form and click the green Send Invitation Email button.

  • Select Admin if this user is to have full access to all features.
  • Select Recruiter if the user will have ownership of one or more projects.
  • Select Team Lead if the user will have the ability to set flag/star rating, mark Qualified/Unqualified or add/remove Labels.
  • Select Team Member if the user will only have access to view and comment on applicants.
  • Select External Recruiter if the user will mostly be importing external candidates.

Here's an overview of which users have which permissions.

NoteThe account owner has the same administrative rights as an Admin user.

4. The invited user will get an email with a link to a form to complete registration.

5. Back at your Account Users screen, you are able to see users on the account, the number of active projects, change user roles or delete the user.

6. Click the Teams tab under Manage Users and Teams, then click the green Create Team button.

7. On the Create Team screen you name the team, then match up the projects and team members. Click the green Save Team button.

8. Projects and team members can be quickly added or subtracted later by clicking the blue Edit link next to the team name on the Manage Users and Teams screen.