You can quickly change the state of a JobFlo project between Active, Drafts, Expired and Closed with just a couple clicks.
JobFlo recruiting projects run 30 days, then expire. You will receive a warning email a couple times before each project expires, then an email after each project expires. These emails contain links to quickly re-activate the projects if desired.
You can also Delete a project, but this is generally not recommended.
You will not be able to see a deleted project nor work with any
applicants to that project and would have to contact a system
administrator at JobFlo to reactivate that project. The Deleted option only displays in the Smart Inbox as detailed in step 4 below.
1. If you are not already at the Dashboard, click Dashboard in the upper left of the navigation ribbon. Under Your Positions you will see tabs containing projects in the states: Active, Drafts, Expired and Closed.
2. Click into the tab (Active, Drafts, Expired or Closed) with the project you want to change, then click the box to the left of the project you want to change. Note: You can select several projects to change at the same time.
3. This will make the Change State to: selector appear. Click the Select down arrow, then the new state for the project(s).
4. You can also change state from inside each project's Smart Inbox:
- From the Dashboard, click the name of the project in the Job Title column to be taken to that project's Smart Inbox.
- In the Status: selector upper right, click the down arrow and select the new status (state) for the project.
- Note: Deleted state is not generally recommended. You will not be able to see a deleted project nor work with any applicants to that project and would have to contact a system administrator at JobFlo to reactivate that project.
Scroll down to see the steps above illustrated with screen shots...
1. If you are not already at the Dashboard, click Dashboard in the upper left of the navigation ribbon. Under Your Positions you will see tabs containing projects in the states: Active, Drafts, Expired and Closed.
2. Click into the tab (Active, Drafts, Expired or Closed) with the project you want to change, then click the box to the left of the project you want to change. Note: You can select several projects to change at the same time.
3. This will make the Change State to: selector appear. Click the Select down arrow, then the new state for the project(s).
4. You can also change state from inside each project's Smart Inbox:
- From the Dashboard, click the name of the project in the Job Title column to be taken to that project's Smart Inbox.
- In the Status: selector upper right, click the down arrow and select the new status (state) for the project.
- Note: Deleted state is not generally recommended. You will not be able to see a deleted project nor work with any applicants to that project and would have to contact a system administrator at JobFlo to reactivate that project.