Every day JobFlo feeds active jobs to several online job boards. These job boards in turn feed these same jobs to subsidiary/partner job boards.
When a job expires or you manually close it JobFlo removes that job from the next feed it send to job boards. The job boards re-index their databases so the expired/closed jobs no longer show up in browse/search results. Because of timing issues this can happen more than 24 hours after your job expired or closed.
The subsidiary/partner job boards do the same in turn: delete the job from their listings and re-index their databases. Because of timing issues this can happen more than 24 hours after the main job board.
In some instances jobs can show up in searches more than 48 hours after they expired or closed.
1. When a job seeker clicks one of these expired/closed links JobFlo the following message displays:
"Thank you for your interest. We are no longer accepting applicants for this position.
Please see our current job openings for other possibilities."
2. Click the current job openings link and the job seeker is taken to a listing of current jobs open in that same client's JobFlo user account.
Scroll down to see the steps above illustrated with screen shots...
1. When a job seeker clicks one of these expired/closed links JobFlo the following message displays:
2. Click the current job openings link and the job seeker is taken to a listing of current jobs open in that same client's JobFlo user account.