The JobFlo Applicants Detail Page will allow you to quickly review applicant resumes according to your established workflow.

- If you like to read the resume and cover letter, make a quick decision about Qualified or Unqualified and move on to the next applicant, then clicking the "Mark as Qualified and go to Next Candidate" button (or the "Unqualified" version to it's right), will suit your workflow.

- If you like to read the resume and cover letter, rate Qualified/Unqualified but also apply a rating and make notes at that time, then clicking the "Qualified" button (or the "Unqualified" version to it's right), will suit your workflow.

Once you have marked as Qualified or Unqualified additional features will surface and you will be able to flag, rate 1-5 stars and write a summary note.

Other controls available on the Applicant Details Page are:

  • Back to Smart Inbox
  • Add Labels
  • Email Applicant
  • Share Profile with Colleagues
  • Download Resume
  • Go to Next Candidate

The Resume tab displays not only the resume, but also where the applicant came from and the application date.

The Notes & History tab has copies of all outgoing contacts with the applicant.through the JobFlo system. You can read the contents of Smart Emails or Notes in Contact History by hovering over or clicking the entry.

1. Resume Submitted: You can view the resume by clicking the the Resume tab on this same page.
2. Automated Email Response Sent: You can view a copy of the automated email sent by JobFlo to your applicant by hovering or clicking the entry.
3. Reference Submitted: You can view the reference(s) by clicking the References tab on this same page.
4. Summary Updated: Any time the Summary field is updated an entry like this will be created. You can view the Summary for this applicant upper right of this same page and to the right of the candidate name on the Smart Inbox.
5. Sent Email: This was sent using a template in Smart Email. You can view a copy of the email sent by hovering or clicking the entry.
6. Note (user generated): This is a copy of a response email sent by the applicant. It was copied and pasted into the "Add a note" field at the top of this same page, then saved.
7. Sent Email: This was sent using a template in Smart Email. You can view a copy of the email sent by hovering or clicking the entry.
8. Label Phone Screen Added: Whenever you add or remove a label from an applicant, an entry trackig that action is added to History.
9. Note (user generated): This records details of a conversation (Phone Screen) with the candidate. It was typed into the "Add a note" field at the top of this same page, then saved.
10. Resume shared: A link to the resume was shared by clicking the "Share Profile with Colleagues" button near the top of the Applicant Details Page.