JobFlo automatically posts your job on some of the most popular job boards which will get you a certain amount of applicants. But if you want to make sure the best candidates see your job and you get more applicants... you need to advertise!
JobFlo enables you to buy a sponsored ad on leading job boards with a couple clicks. These sponsored ads will appear before free ads in all key word searches for jobs in that category. The more people who see your ad, the more applicants you will get. If you don't buy a sponsored ad your job listing could display on page 10 of the results and your odds of anyone seeing it are slim. There is a reason Google is one of the most successful companies in the world - advertising works!
- ZipRecruiter Boost provides the broadest reach of any job posting product by distributing your job to more than 50 job boards. ZipRecruiter Boost also enables precision targeting and featured placement in ZipRecruiter job alert emails to 20MM job seekers. ZipRecruiter Boost leverages “smart buying” technology to intelligently sponsor jobs on the right boards and take advantage of our large purchasing power to pass along wholesale rates to our customers.
- Glassdoor is a jobs and career community that offers "employee generated content" – anonymous salaries, company reviews, interview questions, and more – all posted by employees, job seekers, and sometimes the companies themselves. With nearly 3 million salaries and reviews, applicants have the information needed to make their next career decision. This contributes to Glassdoor having the highest application rate among JobFlo's organic (non-sponsored) job feeds. Almost 19% of JobFlo jobs viewed from Glassdoor are applied to versus the overall average of 3% from other sources.
Indeed has more than 100 million unique visitors per month. Employers will usually get the largest number of applicants through an Indeed sponsored ad.
1. On your Dashboard, click the Add link under Premium Distribution for the job you want to make a sponsored ad
2. Select the service you want to host your sponsored ad by clicking the green Select button
3. Use a credit card to pay for the ad
4. JobFlo will make sure your sponsored ad is automatically posted to the selected service. In most cases you can begin to see applicants within 24 hours.
5. You can track the productivity of your ads by clicking the Analytics tab on the right of the JobFlo tools ribbon. JobFlo automatically tracks and reports views and applicants for each of your sponsored ads.
Scroll down to see the steps above illustrated with screen shots...
1. On your Dashboard, click the Add link under Premium Distribution for the job you want to make a sponsored ad
2. Select the service you want to host your sponsored ad by clicking the green Select button
3. Use a credit card to pay for the ad
4. JobFlo will make sure your sponsored ad is automatically posted to the selected service. In most cases you can begin to see applicants within 24 hours.
5. You can track the productivity of your ads by clicking the Analytics tab on the right of the JobFlo tools ribbon. JobFlo automatically tracks and reports views and applicants for each of your sponsored ads.